Menasina Saaru/Pepper Rasam ; Donate for a Heart;Donate for Bihar flood Victims

Care, love, medication and prayers are few things which are essential when you are down with any disease. One of the commonest things here which makes us sick often is FLU. ummm... you see a cloud there and there is a cloud of home :(  All that I can think of on such occasion is Pepper Rasam. A very soothing soup for those aaaaaaccchooooo...... ya....cold ridden days.

Pepper Rasam

You need:
Tamarind juice : 1/2tbsp
Jaggery to adjust flavor
Water : 4 cups
Garlic pods:3 Chopped finely
Onion : 1/2 chopped finely
Pepper: 2tsp
Mustard seeds : 1/2 tsp
Red chillies : 1/2 cut into small pieces
Curry leaves: 1 line
ghee: 1 tsp
In a vessel/kadhai/wok heat ghee when it is hot add mustard let it crackle, add finely chopped garlic. Sautee  till garlic is red, then add in onions and continue to sautee till onions are transparent. Add pepper, red chillies, curry leaves and give a good stir. Add tamarind juice and 4 cups of water and salt. Bring it to boil. When it starts showing bubbles taste little water and adjust the flavor using jaggery. Rasam should be little tangy with a hint of sweetness.. Do not boil it for loong time. Once flavors are adjusted switch off the stove. Serve it hot with steaming hot rice. Rasam should be more than rice. This rasam is a comforter for those cold ridden days.

We bloggers from Singapore have donated a little amount for Donate for a heart campaign of Srivalli. You can check out a detailed post written by Srivalli here She is helping AnitaLakshmi for her heart operation. Following are the contributors from our Kitchen Connect Team :
Priyanka of Asan Khana
Priti of Indian Khana
Lakshmi of Taste of Mysore
Hari Priya Reddy of Indian Hut
Nupur of Cinnamon Hut

If you are a reader of this blog or a fellow blogger, do send in as much as you can afford to Srivalli's campaign. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean...You can write to Srivalli at for any questions.

I also donated little money for Bihar flood victims. Millions of poor have lost their home and families. You can donate money through ICICI bank. You can check out the details on ICICI bank web page. I have  not put up to do a self boasting but to make an appeal to all my readers and fellow citizens of India or those Indians at heart living anywhere in the world. Your little donation might help one person get food or shelter or both.

"You cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love" says Mother Theresa..


  1. Aaaachooooooo, pepper rasam post got right timing. In many part of US, the fall started, weather changing and of course FLU waiting...
    Ur rasam is different than my version,looking good :)

  2. thnks for the recipe,.,.gonna try this,,ltz during the comin winters in delhi,..:-)

  3. Pepper rasam sounds delicious.Good durning winters.Ur rasam is different than my version,will try urs this time.

  4. pepper rasam is good for winter season... nice entry... will try this time... thxs for sharing..

  5. Thank you very much for your contribution and support Lakshmi!

  6. pepper rasam is really soothing during those cold stricken making lot of rasams nowadays..everyone is down with cold..

  7. lovely menasina saaru .. perfetc for cold fever N winter season .. ur version is different N nice .. shall try it madam ..

  8. I would love to have a bowlful of this:)

  9. That's true, meNsin saaru can drive away any kind of jwaras! But for look and feel I use tomatoes instead of tamarind juice...

  10. Thanks so much for this recipe. I haven't had this in years but I am sick right now and the first thing that came to me was menasina saaru. I am going to make some for myself now!!!

  11. Perfect.... super....... devru ninna chennagi ittirli


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