I had totally forgotten this rasam untill my lovely sis reminded me of it. Recipe was shared and I made it also. Before posting, I even got a comment from one of the reader, requesting this recipe or did I understand it incorrectly? god knows....! All though, it is simple to make, you need some skill to balance the flavors of sour-sweet-salt.
Hasi Saru/Pachi Charu
Tamarind Paste : 2 tbsp
Jaggery : As required to balance the taste
Salt : As Required to balance the taste
Water : To make sufficient qty rasam
Green Chillies: 2 (chopped into big pieces)
Garlic: 1 clove (chopped into fine pieces)
Onion: 1tbsp (chopped into fine pieces)
Oggarane : little
Grated fresh coconut: 1tsp (you can omit this, if u don't want to add)
Coriander Leaves : 1tsp (finely chopped)
1.In a thick bottomed pan, take Green Chillies, garlic and onion with little salt and crush them together with your hands. You can throw away chilli skin if u do not want them to float in rasam.
Caution: Wash your hands well, after crushing chillies
2. Add 2 tbsp of tamarind juice, jaggery and salt. Add powdered jaggery to save yourself from crushing jaggery in tamarind juice. Mix well.
3. Add required amount of water and mix well. Taste little and adjust the flavors if needed.
4. Add chopped coriander and grated coconut, mix and set it aside for 1hr or 2.
5. IMPORTANT : This rasam tastes better only if you set it aside for an hour or two. Flavors settle well and tastes better with time. If it is summer time, you can refrigerate it to have a cooler rasam.
6. TIP: You can drink it as a soup and slurrrp! it tastes ...
Taste it to believe it :D

Pacharu is definitely a treat 2 our taste buds when recovering from fever or bored of regular food..I love it 2 d core...add lots of finely chopped onions to it,it tastes heaven...I skip coconut sometimes but try adding raw onions 2 it,you will know the real magic of paccharu..:)
Thanks for sharing this recipe.
Ya, Pratibha I add onions to it and it is there in the recipe :), how much it really depends on each individual. We too love Paccharu :)
Wow ~ a must try recipe!
US Masala
Thats a quick and interesting rasam..
I love rasam but that is something i hardly make unless i have guest from S.India which is very rare. Wish i could grab that bowl and slurp it down.
very interesting rasam..
very interesting rasam..
wow this is very interesting ....looks yum ..thanks for sharing :)
I love Hasi saaru.. my folks call it Hasi gojju for reasons I know not... My mother does not add oggarane to it if i remember it correct. BTW it goes very well with Mudde :) We can add roasted eggplant and /or roasted tomatoes to it as well
This is really very interesting.I can imagine the taste! Yum!
Love this yummy recipe,luks delicious...
Wow this looks yum
I too have this recipe in the cookbook i have,would love to try it, sounds amazing!
Never tried these.. Have to try this out.. :)
my mom used to make this.. only for the girls.. especially when moolangi (radish) sambar was prepared.
to add more taste, dry roast some onions or just cut a raw onion in to big pieces, and add it to it.
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