Many many thanks to all those who participated by sending in their favorite Jackfruit recipes to my favorite fruit event. AFAM/A Fruit A Month is the brainchild of Maheshwari of Beyond the Usual blog. My sincere thanks to Maheshwari for accepting my blog to guest host this event. I enjoyed reading all recipes and amazed to see at the variety of dishes that can be cooked using Jackfruit.
Before I proceed to introduce you to my entrees let me guide you to use the links given in this round up. It saves your time :)
Before I proceed to introduce you to my entrees let me guide you to use the links given in this round up. It saves your time :)
If you are someone who does not know about Jackfruit then read it at Cham's place where she says.. "Just give an illusion of huge prickly green oblong shape fruit, which contains a numerous number of yellow fruits with seeds inside. The ripe fruit has very pungent smell (very aromatic I feel) the seeds are edible after roasting or boiled.
Unripe small variety is prepared in form of curry!"
If you could not visualize it, then let me show you the tree with 2 huge Jackfruits. Alamelu's father sent her this picture and she has shared this tree which is in their backyard (in India) .......
Unripe small variety is prepared in form of curry!"
If you could not visualize it, then let me show you the tree with 2 huge Jackfruits. Alamelu's father sent her this picture and she has shared this tree which is in their backyard (in India) .......
Various parts of fruit which are edible :
Flesh and Seeds
Non-edible parts like skin of the fruit is used to make bowls in Phillipines giving it a natural look. I call them one bunch of creative wood crafters!
Wood is used to make body of Indian drums like Mridangam and Kanjira. In Indonesia and Philippines they are used to make their musical instruments like Gamelon and Kutiyapi. Music and Jackfruit were so close to each other :D and I never knew this.
Back to business, let us talk about curries, halwas, pickeles, Vadas, Smoothie, milkshake, idli and dosas and yes!!! all made of Jackfruit!
South Karnataka houses have Jack Fruit trees in abundance. So they are very creative in conjuring up these fruits which are grown in their backyard. Let me start with some breakfast ideas with jackfruit :)
Jackfruit-Breakfast Ideas:
Jackfruit is locally(in South Karnataka or South Canara) known as Gujje . Sushma of Savi Ruchi has sent us Dosa made of unripe and ripe jackfruit.
How about some idlis ?...presenting Panasa Dhodak from Maya of Konkan World
Jackfruit Kadubu from Mangala Bhat of Recipes 24 Seven ..check out the interesting way of making kadubu with banana leaves! I bet the aroma of banana leaf with jackfruit kadubu must be amazing!
Appe/Gunponglu from Sushma of Savi Ruchi
After Appe of Karnataka we have Idichakka Appam from Kerala (Chakka=Jackfruit)
Poornima Nair of Tasty Treats has sent me this tasty treat wraped & steamed in malabar leaves/Tejpatta/Indian Bayleaves. Just imagine the the flavor of the cooked appam in tejpatta ..aaahhaaa...
Jackfruit- Curries
The very first entry for the event was sent by my dear 'akka' of blog world. I am the eldest in my family so I did not have that opportunity to call some one akka (elder sis) but blog world has managed to get me one! Haven't seen her but her encouraging comments leave you happy post after post! Ashakka has fondly sent Raw Jackfruit-Chana Gashi from Aroma
After coastal Karnataka we have a delicious entry from Coastal Andhra Pradesh. Panasa Kaya/baby raw Jackfruit Curry or Panasapottu avapetti kura which roughly translates to steamed raw jackfruit curry a coastal Andhra delicacy from Rekha of Plantain Leaf
Our dear Priyanka of AsanKhana blog has sent Kathal Sabji which is Jackfruit Curry. Priyanka missed eating Kathal when she was in Singapore and asks her mom to cook ;) two in one Pri..Event and your craving both done! Thanks aunty for sending us this dish and I suppose this curry is made in UP style knowing Priyanka and family :)
From the land of Kerala comes Idichakka thoran (Stirfried Tender Jackfruit). Kerala also has innumerabble varieties of Jackfruit dishes because of its wide availability in the region. Check out Poornima Nair's Tasty Treats.
Tallelya Phanaschi Bhaji/Fried Jackfruit Stir Fry and Fanaschi Thech Bhaji ek dam Malvani Style mein from Meera of Enjoy Indian Food
Jackfuit- Fried Goodies
Sushma has sent maximum entries for the event and a huge round of applause for her please..Do visit her blog for all Gujje recipes and we have ruchi ruchi Halasina Mulka from Savi-Ruchi.
Desserts and Drinks with Jackfruit
Desserts and Drinks with Jackfruit
Inspired by Alamelu's halwa myself and Shruti Hebbur of Shrunil blog tried and we both polished away the plates!
Halwa from Taste of Mysore......:
My creative side of Jackfruit ;-)
Shruthi's version of Halwa :
Sushma of Savi Ruchi could not prepare Mangalore Buns for the event, but instead she kindly gave me the recipe to make them. Here they are ! and I made them for Sushma..please grab them Sush .. ;-)
Mangalore Buns with Jackfruit
Recipe in Sushma's words :
1.5 cups maida
0.5 cup wheatflour
0.5 cup sour curd
0.5 cup pureed jackfriut (use less than 0.5 cup, ideal to use around 0.3 cup)
3 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
Combine all the above mentioned ingredients & allow it to soak for 5-7 hours (add water if required, dought should be similar to chapathi dough, but little firm that chapathi dough), roll out like poori's & deep fry in oil.
Sushma serves them with coffee. It is mildly sweet, and the fruit flavor is retained even after frying :-)
Cham has sent me yet another glass of delicious smoothie..please help yourself ;-)
Jackfruit - Pickle , Jackfruit Seeds - Sambar
After all that sweet overload, Priyanka brings us Kathal Achar for us. I thought of serving you all with Jackfruit seeds sambar for your hot steaming rice. So, the buffet table is ready. Help yourself to your favorite curry, dessert and vadais. You have no choice with sambar and pickle though :D
I can also serve you few Jackfruit papad which I bought from India. These are not available in Singapore. They are thinnner than paper almost see thro' the papad :D and they taste crisp and spicy when fried/microwaved. If anyone knows the recipe to make jackfruit papd please email me and you can use the form here to contribute your recipe.
Try out various dishes and enjoy the fruit of the month - Jackfruit :-)

great round up lakshmi each and evry dish looks so yum
Beautiful and delicious roundup. Had to give a miss as i don't get jackfruit here.
So yummy to look at and will try a few. JF is not availbale freely outside Indian for us but cans are something we can atleast get. Thanks for taking time! :)
I don't have any sisters at all in real life. Although many call me Ashakka, I know you really mean it.It's always nice to talk to you and I know you really do care. Hugs to you sis! :)
Taking Trisha for permanent driving license test today, hopefully she will get it in one try, if not, had to go back again.
Wonderful round-up, LG....I had no idea that from jackfruit, we can make so many dishes..thanks to your event. Nobody in my house is fond of jackfruit, sorry I couldn't particiapate in both of your events...Do we get only the seeds of jackfruit here?
yummy round up,..very nicely written...;-) wish u happy holi,..:-)
Hi Lakshmi,
Wonderful roundup. It's like a "One stop Jackfruit Shop"! Happy to see my Dad's tree here too.... :-) wanna go back home and dig into fresh jackfruit...
So many different recipes from is wonderful....and everything looks so gud and yummy...wonderful roundup dear..
Nice round up..Everything looks so delicious and mouth watering..I will try one by one..I have bookmarked few..Thank you LG
wow ! wonderful roundup Lakshmi ...Thanks sso much for taking your time .
Many delicious treats..Everything looks tremendous, some recipes r quite new to me...thanks for hosting this LG, coz of u i came to know more recipes with Jackfruit!!
Wow! that is a great round up. I knew some recipes of jackfruit but not so many. will come back again and checkout each dish
Great work and I always love ur round-up :) Jackfruit is one of my fav! Because of ur event, I discover the can one which pretty closer to fresh one! So many delicous entries!
Thanks for choosing Jackfruit!
Nice round up Lakshmi!
Love jack fruit in all forms but not quite comfortable cooking with it. Now i have good many recipes to try :)
Wow ! A jackfruit Bonanza ! Never imagined such variety is possible !
Great round-up lakshmi...such a wonderful collection of yummy treats.
What a lovely roundup amazing
wonderful round up Lakshmi! Well done.
Fantastic round-up! Too bad we couldnt participate in this event but we've bookmarked this post for its unique recipes. Never even heard of half the items!
Wow, so many jackfruit dishes, lovely round-up! Am craving for some of those papads now, had quite forgotten abt them.
Wow!! Lovely roundup!
nice round up..loved especially the steamed jackfruit idlis..if not for this event..I would have never known so many jackfruit dishes existed!!
nice round up LG .. very well put together
lovely round up ..never knew jack fruit can be eaten in so many ways.
I love jackfruit but others in the family are not so fond of it and hence I couldnot participate ... :(. Will try some recipes whenever I am cooking for just me.
Jackfruit itself is a treat..raw or ripen.. but never thought of such recipes though!!! wonderful roundup.
Lovely round up. Found so many new ways to cook jackfruit. Amazed at the variety. Great job.
Wow, so many recipes! I never knew you could actually cook Jack fruit, all I knew was to eat them as a fruit. Great ideas.
hm... delicious and tasty?!...round up.. opps i only missed it.
wonderful roundup Lakshmi :)
I am waiting to prepare the jackfruit halwa now..
Didn't know soooo much is possible with JAckfruit! Great round up!
had jackfruit idly for the first time at a wedding last month. This whole spread is new to me. Great round-up!
What a nice round up lakshmi!!
never knew so many items can be prepared with jack fruit.Thanks for dropping by my blog.
Hi there
I would like to point out that the Jack Fruit 'Smoothie' image that you have credited Swapna Praveen with is a plagiarism of my own photo for my recipe Jack Frooze. Her blog has been removed due to what I assume was overwhelming pressure from other bloggers that she stole pictures from (see for the full story).
I am happy for you to link to my recipe, or use my photo as long as you credit it to my blog I have originals if you would like one without that ugly watermark that she has carelessly added to my photo.
Many thanks Chikie Little for giving me an insight regarding plagiarised picture. I have removed the picture and credit to the person. Thanks :)
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