Brinjal : 1 big (purple brinjal was what I used, you can use which ever variety is available)
Onion : 1 big (chopped into big chunks)
Tomato: 1 big (chopped into big chunks)
Coriander Leaves : 1/2 cup (chopped)
Green Chillies : 8
Togaribele/Tuvar dal/deskinned split pigeon peas : 1/2 cup
Turmeric : 1 pinch
Tamarin Juice : 2-3 tbsp
Seasoning :
Oil : 1tbsp
Mustard seeds : 1tsp
Asafoetida/Hing : 1 pinch
Red Chillies : 1 (broken)
Curry Leaves : few
Kadalebele/chana dal : 1 tsp
Uddinbele/Urad dal : 1tsp
Pressure cook chopped brinjals, onion, tomato, chillies, coriander, toordal and turmeric with enough water. We do not add extra water at a later stage.
Once the pressure comes down, take out the vessel and run hand blender for 30 seconds or mash it using majjige kolu/with the back of the spoon. The intention is to mix the ingredients.
Add tamarind juice and salt.
Take a deep pan and heat a tbsp of oil. Add mustard seeds followed by a pinch of hing. When mustard stops crackling add red chillies, curry leaves and dals. When dals turn gold color add the mashed ingredients. Bring to boil. Check for salt, adjust if required. Switch off the stove, cover and keept it for next 10 mins till the flavors settle down.
Serve hot with rice.
I tried Carrot Malai/ Payasa from Chitra Amma's blog. I just used cashewnuts instead of almonds mentioned there. It was delicious. Thanks Chitra Amma for sharing your recipe with us.

Both looks yummy....
Bowlful of brinjal curry looks delicious, now i feel like drinking it..
Carrot payasa looks delish as well.
Your father's fondness to drink pulugura with a dollop of curd on top reminded me of my grandfather's habit of drinking Rasam with a dollop of curd on top !
Nice to hear from you so quickly! Both dishes look fantastic! My inlaws are visiting us, and now we have 4 of us with different food requirements - either due to medical requirements or because we have different likes and dislikes!! I am scratching my head for every meal!!! :-) Don't get so much time for blogging!!
As usual both of them look very tempting.
Sounds yummy laksmi, and guess what, my MIL made this today :)
both recipes are delicious
Can you send this for my lunch today.
@ Rekha,
pleasently surprised to hear that.
Dad like curd with rasam too :D
Brinjal curry looks delicious LG..i love much anything with brinjal, thats a terrific carrot payasa..absolutey delish..
I'm hearing this for the first time. Procedure seems very simple & have book marked it to try very soon :)
Thanks for the recipe
vankaya pulagura oohh my mouth is full of water ooh lakshmi how can you tempt me like this yaar looks delicious and that carrot payasa looks so beautiful with its color yum yum
I am afraid I don't like brinjals much though I do include it in my food. Will try this once for P. He likes brinjals very much!
Not familiar with Pulugura, looks like Badanekai saaru, I will try! :)
Carrot Malai looks yum.
Both looks perfect. love carrot payasam so much, thanks for sharing.
Love anything with badanekayi .. N lovely payasa, I had these loong ago, got to make some soon
That looks like a nice dish for our dinner tonite. I am out of non veg, and I have brinjal and the dhals, so I am good to go! :)
Thanks Lakshmi, you r a life saver!
Pulugura is new to me. Anything with eggplant has got to be great! It looks delicious, LG! Am bookmarking this.
Lovely pulungara.. Looks delicious! Yummm Carrot payasa..
wow ! new recipe to me :) carrot kheer looks yummy and colorful Thanks ri
Nice ones Lakshmi. About your note on the Crispy Nutty Treats, yes the marshmallows are the binding agent. You can also try with honey or dates or even prunes(i tried this and worked ok.. but the outcome wasnt as tasty).. Kids usually love the marshmallows the best :))
This is something new..But looks yumm .WIll try ..bookmarked. Thanks for the correction LG..
Cooking is something unique, everyone has his own touch for taste, salt, sugar.
Very different & yummy curry with brinjal LK!
feel like preparin this soon,..looks so yum,..lovely colour of carrot kheer ,,..must have tasted good,..
This sounds so delicious. Thanks for a lovely traditional recipe.
Vankaya pulguru looks so yummy.
Thanks for lovely recipes
Both looks awesome & YUmmy...
Hi Lakshmi, Lovely Dal. Do send some tomatish dishes to my FIL-Tomato event by 31st..!;)
Hey Lg,
looks like a lovely recipe ....sounds very different...i hav never heard of this recipe nor the procedure....will surely give it a try
the brinjal one is very nice lakshmi...actually we make a similar one as side dish for idlies and dosas and this one reminds me that curry...very good one
Both are looking delicious and yummy..
Hi Lashmi,
It was very yummy..... thanks.
Thanks for trying it and posting your feedback :)
yumm..I am seeing Brinjal everywhere now..Superb combo with dal LG..The payasam looks thick n rich..:)
Happy Ugadi to you and your family lakshmi
I love bringals in dal..will try for sure..nice recipe..have something for u in my blog, go check here
Wishing u and ur family Happy Ugadi!
Ugadi Shubhashayagalu Lakshmi
Happy Ugadi to you & your family!!
The brinjal curry looks delicious.
Hello Lakshmi - Wish you and your family a very happy ugadi!
Thank you for your wishes Lakshmi. I hope you had a wonderful celebration.
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Dear Lakshmi, thanks a bunch for this recipe. We loved it. I am an ardent follower of your blog. The first time I tried this recipe I messed it up with more water and ended up diluting the taste, but the second time I tried it it was nothing short of splendid. Love the inclusion of 'ಪುನಃ ಬನ್ನಿ' Kannada words, makes me miss home all the more.
I have posted a link to your website,to help ma frnz. Plz have a look.
Dear Priya,
After a day's hard work, it gave me pleasure when I read your comment. Thank you so much for sharing my blog details with your friends.
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